from Brazil

The Magic of the Ascended Masters


The umbanda is a tradition that grew out of European spiritualism when it fused with African and Amerindian elements in Brazil. The "work" in the umbanda is work based on incorporation. The mediums receive their respective spiritual guides - the so-called Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters operate in "work lines" - they dress and behave according to their archetypes. The Umbanda knew different working lines, including the Caboclos and Caboclas, the Exus and Pomba Giras, the Pretos Velhos and Pretas Velhas, the Ciganos e Ciganas, the Eres (Children), the Marinheiros e Marinheiras and many more.

Caboclos and caboclas

The shamanism of the native people of Brazil

In the Umbanda, the Indians, called Caboclos and Caboclas, occupy a prominent position. They are often the spiritual guides and namesakes of the Casas de Umbanda. Their incorporations are characterized by pride, simplicity and sovereignty. They are ritual masters and open many séances even in Candomblé - because they own the land.

Pretos Velhos and Pretas Velhas

The Ascended Masters

The Pretos Velhos and the Pretas Velhas are the grandfathers and grandmothers of the spirit world. Through their mediums, they are patient listeners and wise advisors to the people. They exude great peace and tranquility, like to smoke a pipe and drink coconut water or a glass of schnapps.

Exus and Pomba Giras

Magic from another world

Umbanda is magic. And the masters of magic are the so-called Exus and Pomba Giras, who work through their mediums. They often dress in black and red and love all forms of magic.

Gypsy's magic

The Umbanda works via working lines. Gypsies also play a prominent role within the Umbanda. They are welcome advisors in everyday life and are known for their art of map reading.

Amaci and Banhos de 7 Ervas (7 Herbs Bathing)

Ritual cleansing baths

Indian herbalism and spiritistic tradition - the secret of the many cleansing and power baths of the Umbanda

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